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Getting Started

To begin using adidas MVI in your project, follow these steps:

1. Add the Dependency

Add the following to your build.gradle file:


Sync your project to download the necessary dependencies.

2. Create the Components

Here's an example of setting up the LoginViewModel and managing intents.

Login ViewModel

The LoginViewModel manages user actions and updates the application state based on intents.

class LoginViewModel( logger: Logger ) : ViewModel(), MviHost<LoginIntent, State<LoginState, LoginSideEffect>> {
private val reducer = Reducer(
coroutineScope = viewModelScope,
initialInnerState = LoginState.LoggedOut(isLoggingIn = false),
logger = logger,
intentExecutor = this::executeIntent

override val state = reducer.state

override fun execute(intent: LoginIntent) {

private fun executeIntent(intent: LoginIntent) =
when (intent) {
is LoginIntent.Login -> executeLogin(intent)
LoginIntent.Logout -> executeLogout()
LoginIntent.Close -> executeClose()

3. Update the Activity

In your Activity, use the view model and set the content:

class MviSampleActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setContent {

Now you're ready to use adidas MVI in your project!