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This section provides examples of how to implement the adidas MVI library in your Android application. For more detail check the sample provided.

1. Login Flow Example

Here is a complete example of how to implement a login flow using the adidas MVI library.

ViewModel Implementation

The following code shows the LoginViewModel, which handles the login process.

class LoginViewModel(
logger: Logger,
coroutineDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default
) : ViewModel(), MviHost<LoginIntent, State<LoginState, LoginSideEffect>> {

private val reducer = Reducer(
coroutineScope = viewModelScope,
defaultDispatcher = coroutineDispatcher,
initialInnerState = LoginState.LoggedOut(isLoggingIn = false),
logger = logger,
intentExecutor = this::executeIntent,

override val state = reducer.state

override fun execute(intent: LoginIntent) {

private fun executeIntent(intent: LoginIntent) =
when (intent) {
is LoginIntent.Login -> executeLogin(intent)
LoginIntent.Logout -> executeLogout()
LoginIntent.Close -> executeClose()

private fun executeLogin(intent: LoginIntent.Login) = flow {
emit(LoginTransform.SetIsLoggingIn(isLoggingIn = true))
delay(300) // Simulate a network call
emit(LoginTransform.SetIsLoggingIn(isLoggingIn = false))

if (intent.username.isEmpty() || intent.password.isEmpty()) {
} else {

Intent Example

Define the intents that your application will handle:

internal sealed class LoginIntent : Intent {
data class Login(val username: String, val password: String) : LoginIntent()
object Logout : LoginIntent()
object Close : LoginIntent()

Activity Implementation

Here's how to set up the MviSampleActivity to use the LoginViewModel.

class MviSampleActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private val viewModel: LoginViewModel by viewModel() // Assuming you're using Koin for dependency injection

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setContent {

View Implementation

In your composable function, observe the state from the LoginViewModel and render the UI accordingly.

fun LoginScreen(viewModel: LoginViewModel) {
val state by viewModel.state.collectAsState()

when (state) {
is LoginState.LoggedOut -> {
// Show login UI
is LoginState.LoggedIn -> {
// Show logged-in UI