Core Concepts
The Model-View-Intent (MVI) pattern in adidas MVI follows these principles:
The Model represents the state of the application. It’s immutable and stores all the information required to render the user interface.
sealed class LoginState {
data class LoggedOut(val isLoggingIn: Boolean) : LoginState()
data class LoggedIn(val username: String) : LoginState()
The View observes the model and updates itself accordingly. It reacts to changes in the Model and displays the current state.
An Intent represents a user action or an event that leads to a state change in the Model.
sealed class LoginIntent {
data class Login(val username: String, val password: String) : LoginIntent()
object Logout : LoginIntent()
Side Effects
A SideEffect represents an external action triggered by a state change, such as network calls, database updates, or other asynchronous operations.
sealed class LoginSideEffect {
object ShowInvalidCredentialsError : LoginSideEffect()
object Close : LoginSideEffect()
The State combines the ViewState and SideEffect components to provide a unified application state. It helps manage complex states within the app.